Boxx Systems

Have a dumpster rental or storage-related question? Boxx Systems has the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

Dumpster Rental FAQs

  • How long do I get to keep the dumpster rental?

     Up to 10 days are included in the flat rate.    

     After 10 days, there is a per-day fee

  • When is payment due?

    Payment is due at the time of delivery.

  • Do I call for pick-up?

    Yes, please call when the dumpster is loaded to schedule your pick-up.

  • What can't go in the dumpster?

    Tires, paint, refrigerators, batteries, gas engines, A/C units, or hazardous materials.

  • How high can I fill the dumpster?

    Level with the sides. Material that is loaded over top of the side, has the potential to become a dangerous road hazard. Overloading can result in an additional charge. 

  • Is there a weight limit?

      Yes, the weights for each dumpster rental are as follows:

       11 yards - 3 tons

       20 yards - 4 tons

       30 yards - 5 tons

    Most dumpsters will not weigh over the above tonnage. However, overweight dumpsters will be charged a rate of $55.00 for each ton over.

  • How much notice must be given for a dumpster delivery?

    Boxx Systems needs 24-hour notice for deliveries and pickups.

Mobile Storage FAQs

  • Does Boxx Systems insure items I store in the storage unit?

    No, Boxx Systems does not insure items stored inside of units. You are responsible to carry your own insurance. Please contact your insurance agent for details.

  • What are the storage unit dimensions?

    16' length, 8' height, 8' width  

  • How much notice is needed for delivery, pickup, or a move?

    Boxx Systems needs 24-hour notice.

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